Orville Road Protection: Phase 1 and Phase 2

The project provides protection to Orville Road from risks associated with channel migration and further protects approximately 70-acres of floodplain in the reach between river mile 26.2 and 28.4. Phase 1, in the vicinity of river mile 26.8 was completed in 2014 and included approximately 800 linear feet of setback revetment and 23 engineered log jams, including 6 in-channel log jams. The Phase 2 project between river mile 28.4 to 27.4 is divided into four construction sub-phases 2a, 2b, 2c-year 1, and 2c-year 2. To date Phase 2a, 2b, and 2c-year 1 have been completed. So far, the Phase 2 project has installed approximately 4,500 linear feet of setback revetment consisting of 72 engineered log jams. Phase 2c-year 2, the final phase is scheduled to be completed in 2023 and will include 40 floodplain engineered log jams and approximately 2,600 linear feet of existing levee removal.
More info: https://www.piercecountywa.gov/3159/Puyallup-River-Flood-Protection-at-Orvil